PC Survey & Salvage
PC Survey is a branch of Pirates Cove Diving Inc. Fifteen years ago we started a Marina called "Jerry's Dock" on the Milwaukee River at 318 S Water St. for our charter boat "Len-Der". As the marina grew, we purchased more equipment and the phones started ringing for marine assistance and commercial salvage. We currently have 4 workboats, 2 cranes, 25 tons of lift bags, and a high definition side scanning sonar. We also have video cameras and digital still for underwater filming. From locating lost eyeglasses or moorings to propeller and rudder inspections on 800 ft iron ore carries in Lake Michigan, we are on call 24/7.

1103 W. Oklahoma Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53215

Pirates Cove Diving Inc.
Get in Touch!
Store: (414) 482-1430
Jerry's cell: (414) 588-6764
Dive Store Hours :
MONDAY: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
WEDNESDAY: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
FRIDAY: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
SATURDAY: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM